• Last Updated on May 19, 2024

Nepal generally displays a welcoming and friendly environment. So, Yes, It's 100% safe for  Female Trekkers to trek in Langtang Valley

Situated at the core of the Himalayas, the Langtang Valley represents an extraordinary picture of nature, consisting of green woods, blissful fields, and mighty hills. More people are attracted to this mesmerizing area, which is ideal for adventurous hikers looking for a spiritual experience in unparalleled scenery. For female adventurers, Langtang Valley is a safe and empowering environment for trekking; moreover, it promises much more than simply beautiful views.

Langtang Valley entices one with its pure beauty, mixing nature and culture in one package. It is a breathtaking trail against the imposing Langtang Lirung mountain range and takes you through charming village settlements with friendly inhabitants. 

Its trekking routes are quite different from other common trekking sites in that one can enjoy peace away from the crowds typical to many Himalayas.

Engaging with locals, including women, and experiencing their lifestyle and traditions is one of the reasons why Langtang Valley is unique for a female trekker. The hospitable people of the Tamang and Sherpa are some of the most receptive hosts one may ever come across in the area where trekkers find their way. 

In addition, cultural exchange makes the trip even more intriguing as it allows one to see various traditions, sample typical foodstuffs, and make friends across borders. Through such interaction, female travelers also make friends with women in these communities, which enables them to appreciate such people's lifestyles.

Walking in the Langtang Valley is obviously fascinating. However, women have constantly worried about their safety concerning this trip.

Generally speaking, the idea of the safety of Langtang Valley should be grounded on the previous records of that area. On the other hand, the Langtang trail is so different because there are good footpaths, and tea shops and lodges are lined all over. 

Such accommodation increases security for the female trekkers as they relax and interact with other travelers.

Every trekker who spends time in Langtang Valley is assured of great services. Therefore, the local guides and porters are very helpful in that terrain. Although the female hikers are exposed to some safety concerns, they experience support from the residents who make the journey interesting and secure. 

This method of hiking becomes an approach through which women share more among themselves, thus enhancing women's empowerment while fostering a sense of communal responsibility.

This idea of the Himalayas as an impossible trail for women has to be dismantled because it is wrong. Even though risks necessarily accompany adventurous activities, Langtang Valley's safety measures have been commendable over the last few years. Local or international safety measures for trekking agencies ensure that their clients (male/female) walk with the knowledge of appropriate information concerning walking, proper equipment, and an emergency plan.

Additionally, the inhabitants of Langtang Valley know that trekkers ought to feel secure and safe. The locals develop lines of communication, build trail roads, and partner with police in improving the security environment thereon.

While on Langtang Valley, local people and beautiful scenes are experienced as a form of empowering female trekkers. However, a journey on this road through the valley becomes an unforgiving teaching experience that makes them strong on the inside; it raises their self-confidence and brings them back to nature.

The number of female trekkers is increasing daily as more and more agencies in Nepal are developing different travel plans to ensure their safety as they walk along with them. Some of the female guides that have been organized will tremendously benefit many trekkers with similar concerns and complaints. 

Such wonderful changes in the trekking environment have made trekking a male-dominated activity to start changing into one of the female's activities. Thus, people started thinking it was okay for a woman to trek in Nepal. Therefore, the number of women participating in an organization has grown considerably. 

In this blog post, we will explore the safety aspects of trekking in Langtang Valley for women and shed light on precautions to ensure a secure and enjoyable experience.

Table of Contents

Is Langtang Valley Trek Safe For Female Trekkers?

For female trekkers, Langtang Valley Trek is one of the safest places to explore the majestic Himalayas. For women who are into adventure, this is among the regions that should be on your bucket list. It provides a peaceful scenery while offering support from friendly locals who will monitor your safety.

Safety Statistics

To begin with, it is crucial to mention that there are only a few crimes in this destination where an independent woman can travel alone. According to a Nepal Tourism Board report of 2022, not one trekking female got assaulted or sexually harassed. Moreover, the report shows Nepal as a relatively safe place with low crime levels and suggests planning a pleasant trip to Nepal without fear of crime. These form a basis through which the main factors affecting the safety of Langtang Valley are explored, especially concerning solo female travelers.

Community Harmony

A remarkable fact about Langtang Valley that never fails to go unnoticed is the hospitality accorded by the residents. These are communities fully aware of how tourists help boost their economies. Hence, there is high hospitality that enables trekkers, particularly women, to embrace a warm feeling of safety while on the road.

Cultural Respect for Women

Solo female trekkers in Langtang Valley have another layer of security from Nepali culture based on traditions and respect. 

Cultural norms prohibit violence against women and grant them due respect and honor. The cultural ethos enhances the entire hike but, more importantly, shields women traveling alone from harm.

The existing mindset regarding women in the Nepalese culture tends to accept solo female trekkers as fellow travelers and not outsiders who can be easily robbed. This kind of mindset largely explains why Langtang Valley inspires a sense of security among women who are adventurous and interested in culture.

Guided Support

Unlike other areas, Nepal offers safer destinations for women, like the Langtang Valley trek. This is due to reputable trekking companies and experienced local guides, thus making it a safe place for female hikers. 

The safety aspect is facilitated by having female guides and other women traverse the Langtang Valley. They know a lot about their environment and create great cultural tourism. These ensure the environment is suitable, making it pleasant for female travelers. If you want to know how to hire an experienced guide and porter for your trek, then read our blog here. 

Tourist Police Support

A special part of the Nepal Police is the Tourist Police, which is only for tourists. Their headquarters are stationed near the Tourist Services Centre in Bhrikutimandap, Kathmandu.

The complaint stations are available at the Basantapur Durbar Square and Tribhuvan International Airport. If you require assistance or have complaints, the Tourist police telephone number is open for a round-the-clock consultation. 

The Tourist Safety program is focused on protecting foreign travelers visiting, residing, or doing other adventure activities in Nepal. Security and safety for tourists in Nepal is one of the units.

Female trekkers, no matter if they are trekking in a group or solo, should always have Tourist Police numbers at hand for safety reasons. The Tourist Police also engage respective countries' embassies/consulates and notify parents of sickness, accident, or whatever.

Safety Precautions for Female Trekkers 

Be it a solo journey or you choose a group, prepare everything fully before your departure. If you are trekking through the wilderness, you cannot expect luxury travel. It won't be easy, but the trip will provide you with the greatest experience in the world. You must consider that some things must be included in your trekking plans to make it safe and memorable as a female trekker. Here are some of them.

Choose a Reliable Trekking Agency 

Many tour companies offer tempting tour packages, but going with a locally established travel agency is recommended. First of all, locals know that place better than anyone else. The option of having local guides accompany you as you walk provides you with some measure of independence and authenticity. They'll accompany you on the journey to keep you safe, giving you guidance, suggestions, and strategies.

The local guides know the locals' customs and culture better than the international company. Doing so will enhance your understanding of the cultures that confront you.

In addition, book your trek with the government-registered company here. You can also ask for the company of a female guide, which further facilitates your security while on Langtang trekking. Ensure that you research them before booking them.

Ensure To Buy Quality Trekking Gears

Investing in high-quality gear is essential. While trekking this trail, it will be in different climatic conditions. Your clothing must be well prepared for that. 

It would also be disconcerting to know that your cheap layers would not work or the sunglasses you put on cracked. Invest in good equipment for the long-term period.

You may buy trekking poles, caps, gloves, socks, down jackets, sleeping bags, chocolates, and other things like medicines at Kathmandu. Every product in Thamel comes at a reasonable price! They sell fake, genuine North Face, Mountain hardwear, and Marmot equipment. 

Reputable online stores exist for good quality mountaineering equipment as well. Moreover, original mountain equipment and North Face jackets are also available at super-discounted prices. 

Therefore, Don't worry if you need to purchase some gear or have left them behind; they will be available in Nepal. Here is more about what to pack here. 

Pack your hygiene essentials.

This is one thing that probably came into your mind with much worry rather than any other thing. Though it may seem glaringly clear, the sanitation in the Himalayas is not much the same as what you find in townships and municipalities. It's cold, and it's lonely in most of these places. However, preparing all the necessary sanitation items would be even better!

Pack as many tampons and sanitary towels as you feel required. Up there, it will only be more costly. Wet wipes are equally useful even as far up as in the Himalayas. Remember also to pack yourself some prescription drugs. Finally, take along sanitized underwear for your hygiene.

The road journey will be winding, and there will only be a few occasions for bathing when it is barely cold around. Braid or put your long hair in a bun to avoid entangled messes. 

Maintain Your Fitness Level for the Trek 

The trek will last several days, so you better get prepared. This becomes particularly important on the journey to Langtang Valley, as you will reach a maximum height of around 5000 meters. With this in mind, you are more prone to altitude sickness during the trek.

Specific physical fitness is essential. Going on the Langtang trek is actually like moving on the slopes of giant hills rather than running a marathon, as one will be moving up and down. All this trekking will happen while carrying a weight of not less than 6 kg on the back. And on average, you will trek about 6-7 hours daily. 

Your priority areas will include leg strength and endurance workouts. Slowly extend the duration of your walks from three to six hours and increase the number of meters climbed down or up. In your workouts, incorporate biking, swimming, and weight lifting, improving stamina and core strength. 

The journey to the Langtang Valley will be physically and mentally demanding, especially for beginner female hikers. While this may be an unusual statement, an attitude of strength and determination will guide you through a tougher day rather than long years of exercise in the gym.

Get the Best Travel Insurance

Trekking in Nepal is always a surprise as an adventure trip. Looking into your insurance policy before leaving your home country is always advisable. Before writing your insurance application, call and make sure your mountain travel insurance protects mountain excursions.

Insurance does not cover you above a particular altitude in a hilly area. As such, find insurers who will extend your insurance policy during the Langtang, which reaches the highest point of 5,033 at Tsergo Ri. 

Helicopters are used for emergency services such as evacuation, but this is too costly. This is among the strongest arguments for full coverage insurance over the entire journey. In fact, a single rescue helicopter could be valued at around five thousand dollars. Therefore, buying appropriate medical insurance is important to help you feel safe during your trip to the Langtang region. 

Managing Your Menstrual Cycle

Many women find menstruation quite an uncompromising part of their trekking days. Managing periods at these high altitudes is difficult due to demanding activities and lack of amenities.

However, with well-planned and organized trekking, you will have few problems. Here are some of the tips to follow below.

  • By understanding your cycle, you will be able to predict when you manage your period in the course of hiking.
  • Menstrual cups are reusable, leakproof, and comfy, hence good for long hikes.
  • Always remember to stock pads or tampons in advance for that period of the month.
  • Try to wash your hands as much as possible using water and soap.
  • Take along a hand sanitizer for when there is no water.
  • Use ibuprofen or acetaminophen to handle pains during menstruation.
  • Ensure you have some rest during the hike, especially when on menstruation.
  • These tricks will help you to cope with your menstruation while trekking to Langtang Valley without interrupting such an amazing experience.

Wearing the Right Clothing

Although Nepal is very conservative, anyone can wear anything and still be respected by others. It is usually confusing regarding the dressing of female tourists, which usually results in misunderstandings. Wearing revealing clothes or not wearing a bra is another way you can guarantee yourself unnecessary attention. They may involve mockery, known as heckles, or man (woman) attention. Dressing up like a Nepali woman can be quite helpful regarding social acceptance and conversation topics. Still, buying a sari is usually unnecessary to "fit in." For any regular dressing, ensure that women's breasts, buttocks, and upper legs are covered.

How To Stay Safe While Travelling By Road? 

Traveling by road can be an exciting adventure, but it's important to prioritize safety, especially for female travelers. Here are some tips to help you stay safe while traveling by road:

Take a Tourist Bus 

The first rule of road safety for female trekkers in Nepal is always to take a tourist bus. They are safer compared to the local buses. On-road speed becomes an aggressive competition for local buses trying to reach their next stop to take on new passengers. On mountain roads, that can be fatal. We keep hearing of buses falling off cliffs every other day. There is no such reason for tourist buses to drive fast; the owner's train drivers are safe. The traveler might have to use local buses in some places.

Vehicle Maintenance:

Service your vehicle regularly to minimize breakdown incidences. Ensure the tires are fine, check the brakes, and inspect the fluids if you travel via the road in a private vehicle. Always ensure that the car undergoes repair and maintenance to avoid getting stuck at strange or awkward locations.

Crossing the Road Safely:

For safety purposes, following the traffic rules correctly when crossing the road is necessary. Therefore, always use designated crosswalks and pedestrian crossings. Wait for traffic to be clear, then cross, and look a driver in the eyes to notify them that you are about to cross. Pay proper attention to traffic lights if they exist.

Stay Vigilant at Night:

If you are walking at night, your alertness is necessary. Always stay in well-lit areas when out at night, avoid making shortcuts using alleys or secluded lanes, and utilize transport means rather than walking in the dark.

Daytime Travel

Always make an effort to travel in the daylight. Usually, travel during the daytime entails improved visibility and safety. Therefore, drive on main roads and check that the car's lamps are functional if you have to drive at night.

Crossing The Road

It takes confidence to cross a road in many Asian towns. Zebra crossing should not be assumed to be safe either. If you want bikes to avoid you, raise a hand and walk slowly. Not for the faint-hearted! In case of no Zebra crossing, do it the same way; raise your hand to show that you are crossing and cross carefully. Oddly, standing in the middle doesn't convince locals; the hand gesture offers that extra reassurance. Learn how to cross the road assertively, and you will drive through the streets of Asia just as if you were a veteran driver.

Additional Concerns

Whenever you want to rest on the local bus, be sure your hand luggage is under your control. Opting for a window seat is a great choice for fresh air and a beautiful sight of your surroundings. Most local buses do not have window curtains, so a small light shawl is recommended for sun protection. It is important to note that sometimes windows may not close even during winter. Always enjoy your window seat with a scarf against the sun; you can keep windows open in winter. This implies that some practical tips are fun as you time your bus traveling experience. The following practical tips will make bus traveling more enjoyable, enabling you to relax throughout your journey on board.

Safest Trekking Routes and Itineraries

Langtang Valley is generally safe, but you will be more comfortable with a tour guide if you wish to avoid unnecessary troubles during your trip. You have an enjoyable and worry-free adventure with the tour company's service. The country places a high value on tourism; therefore, Nepal has many trekking and mountain sites worth visiting. Below are our top recommendations and the most popular trekking trails to select for your Langtang Valley treks.

Langtang Valley Trek Return By Helicopter

Duration: 6 days

Highlights: Kyanjin Gompa, Langtang Village, Langtang Lirung Glacier, Helicopter Return

Moderate difficulty, suitable for beginners

Accommodation: Teahouses along the trail

This is one of the famous trekking regions of Nepal. Langtang National Park comprises beautiful landscapes, meadows, and ancient monasteries. Walking past forests on this trek, you'll be pleasantly amazed while admiring beautiful mountain, valley, and glacier views. This tranquil area is marked by Chortens, Mani walls, and monasteries, indicating a strong touch of Buddhism. There are side treks such as hiking to Tserko Ri or Kyanjin Ri. For Langtang Valley Trek Return By Helicopter, You start by driving from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi. You will start your trek from this point towards Lama Hotel, Kyanjin Gompa, Langtang village, and board a helicopter for the return journey from Kyanjin Gompa.

Outline Itinerary 

Day 1:Drive to Syabrubesi (1,503m / 4,655ft) From Kathmandu (1400m / 4,393ft)

Day 2:Trek to Lama Hotel (2,470m / 8,103ft) from Syabrubesi (1,503m / 4,655ft)

Day 3:Trek Langtang village (3,430m / 11,255ft) From Lama Hotel (2,470m / 8,103ft)

Day 4:Trek to Kyanjin Gompa (3,865m / 12,675ft) from Langtang village (3,430m / 11,255ft)

Day 5:Rest and Explore the Area or hike to Langtang Glacier, or hike to Kyanjin Ri, or hike to Tserko Ri Elevation- (5,450m/17,880ft)

Day 6:Return to Kathmandu (1400m / 4,393ft) Via Helicopter Ride From Kyanjing

Langtang Valley Trek

Duration: 10 days

Highlights: Kyanjin Gompa, Langtang Village, Langtang Lirung Glacier, 

Moderate difficulty, suitable for beginners

Accommodation: Teahouses along the trail

The nearest hiking trail in Kathmandu is Langtang Valley Trek." The Langtang trek leads to a beautiful region with rich vegetation, lovely villages, and wonderful views. The area is also very culturally diverse. There are several small villages that you will encounter during your hike. You will witness their daily life, traditions, and ethics.

The trekking in the Langtang region starts by driving for one day, which takes you to Syabrubensi (the beginning point of the trek). Then, we will hike to Kyanjin Ri peak, giving us breathtaking views of the Himalayas; the trail then descends through the valley afterward, after which we will drive back to Kathmandu. 

Outline Itinerary 

Day 1  Upon arrival at Kathmandu International Airport, transfer to the hotel.

Day 2: Kathmandu to Shabru Beshi (1467m). 7h scenic drive. Overnight at Guest House

Day 3: Shabru Beshi to Lama Hotel (2470m). Overnight at Guest House

Day 4:Lama Hotel to Langtang Valley (3430m). Overnight at Guest House

Day 5: Langtang valley to Kyanjin Gompa (3870m). Overnight at Guest House

Day 6: Explore the Kyanjin Gompa. Morning climb to Tsergo Ri (4985m). Overnight at Guest House

Day 7: Kyanjin Gompa to Ghodatabela(3030m). Overnight at lodge

Day 8: Ghodatabela to Shabru Beshi. O/n at lodge

Day 9: Shabru Beshi to Kathmandu (by bus.) O/n at a standard hotel in Kathmandu.

Day 10: Transfer to the Kathmandu International Airport or onward for the next program

Gosaikunda Lake Trekking

Duration: 9 days

Highlights: Gosainkunda Lake, Monasteries, Visit to cheese factories

Moderate difficulty, suitable for beginners

Accommodation: Teahouses along the trail

Gosainkunda Lake Trek is one of the most famous trekking routes in the Langtang region of Nepal. It is a moderate trek that takes about nine days. It starts from Kathmandu and goes through jungle, hills, villages, etc. Trekkers will pass via the area's famous landmarks, such as Thulo Sybru and Chandanbari.

Ultimately, Gosainkunda Lake, or "Sacred Lake," should be about 4,380 meters (14,370 feet) above sea level, and it is the hike's highlight. One of the biggest rivers of Nepal is believed to originate from this lake. The Hindu and Buddhist pilgrims also go to Gosainkunda. 

Outline Itinerary 

Day 1: Arrive at Tribhuvan International Airport (TIA) Kathmandu

Day 2: Kathmandu to Dhunche (2030 km). Drive by local bus

Day 3: Dhunche and to Thulo Sybru (2210m)

Day 4: Thulo Syabru to Chandanbari (3250m), Trek 5 hrs

Day 5: Chandanwari to Gosaikunda (4380m), Trek 5 hrs

Day 6:Exploring day

Day 7: Gosaikunda to Dhunche (2030m), Trek 7 hrs

Day 8: Dhunche to Kathmandu (1320mm), Drive by local bus/Land rover

Day 9: Final departure onward destination

Safe Accommodation During Langtang Valley Trek 

In Nepal, tourist accommodations are uncommonly situated centrally towards tourist districts or transport hubs. The most suitable choice for beginners is an average or highly recommended hotel in Nepal for security reasons. It is necessary to read reviews and ensure the hotel's location is okay.

Most hotels also provide airport transfers upon request. Notable are popular areas for tourists in Kathmandu, like Thamel, Paknajol, and Freak Street. Thamel and Paknajol are better preferred by female trekkers coming to Kathmandu. 

Langtang Valley Trek is generally called the tea house trekking in Nepal. These tea houses are very simple accommodations run by the region's locals. In most cases, tea houses in the lower altitudes are equipped with rooms with electricity, hot showers, Wi-Fi, etc. The accommodation facilities become more basic as one goes up in altitude. Here are some tips for finding suitable accommodations for a female trekker in the Langtang region. 

Nepal faces a lot of electricity cut-offs. Therefore, always Take along a torch.

  • The rule is simple: do not remain anywhere uncomfortable, as plenty of options exist for your accommodations. 
  • Do not stay in lonely, secluded places during your trek. 
  • Never go back to your hotel and walk late at night with a newly met person. 
  • Write down your surname next to the title (Mrs.), and skip over your first name when signing hotel registration books.
  • When checking in, ask one of the reception staff to carry your bags up the stairs, as elevators are not always reliable.
  • Wear a fake wedding band. Ensure that your bedroom has a good lock on the door.
  • Do not reenter if, once you return, your door was open for some reason. If no, return to reception and tell them that one of them should check on yourself if possible.

Crime Awareness for Female Traveler

Crime awareness is always important to female travelers traveling solo and staying out late in unfamiliar locations. People tend to perceive Nepal as safe, but the increasing number of reported crimes indicates that one must always stay alert. Here are key crime-related concerns for female travelers in Nepal:

Sexual Harassment:

The situation has improved considerably, but some women still get into trouble after being sexually abused when visiting Nepal. The overall risks have been reduced, but caution should still be exercised. Therefore, women should be cautious and not TRAVEL alone in the evenings. Choose well-lit and crowded areas when exiting the hotel, ensuring your safe return. Rely on intuition and have backup whenever it is necessary.

Pickpocketing and Thefts:

One common thing that occurs worldwide and mostly in public places is stealing. Therefore, take all the valuable things like jewelry, which are essential to reduce theft risk. Avoid displaying wealth by carrying lots of cash or expensive stuff in public. Walk with your eyes open in a market or tourist point and transport. Ensure that you periodically go through the misplaced items.


There are many types of scammers available all over the globe. Women are advised always to be careful since such cases are just tricks used by fraudsters. Be careful when giving out your personal information, and avoid strangers claiming they mean well. One should exercise caution and avoid discussing details regarding one's ownership or location when interacting with unknown people. 

Safety Experiences of Female Trekkers With Us 

To gather more insights into the safety of female trekkers in Langtang Valley, let's hear from some of the women who have completed the trek with us: 

Jane Roberts

As a solo female traveler, I just finished a long hike through Langtang, considered an offbeat trail for such an undertaking. The locals were so nice and friendly throughout the expedition that I felt perfectly fine and comfortable. The hired guide from a legitimate company accompanied me around every.

Sarah Thompson

"As a solo female traveler, I worried about being in Langtang Valley. Nevertheless, all these fears were washed away when I began the walk. On my journey, I encountered numerous female fellow travelers, and with them, I joined a company that helped me with safety. I found friendly people there, and my safety was always assured."

Amy Collins

"My first major trip experience as a female traveler, Langtang Valley, was very enlightening. My amazing guide ensures my safety during the entire trekking course. He offered us a glimpse into the local way of life and ensured we were safe throughout the trip. Langtang Valley is a nice place for fellow female trekkers."


Is Langtang Trek safe?

The Langtang trek is generally safe. You will pass amazing scenery and villages and have a cultural feel that is so special. However, it is as important as any other outdoor activity; therefore, one should always be prepared and follow some instructions for safety. You should always pay attention to the weather, follow marked paths, and you may consider arranging a good trekking agency.

Is Nepal safe for female Travellers?

Nepal is a relatively safe country for female travellers. It's highly hospitable and friendly. Yet, one should not venture into isolated places at night or areas not crowded in the evening. To this note, one ought to dress modestly and observe local practices.

What is the difficulty level of the Langtang trek?

This trek's difficulty in Langtang is categorized as moderate. This is good for anyone starting with long-distance mountain hiking and even more so for those scared of high-altitude expeditions. There are many terrains varying from rainforests to alpine meadows. The peak is at an elevation of 3800 meters, which makes it reachable by many hikers. The trail provides a perfect mix of challenge and aesthetic qualities.

Can you trek Langtang without a guide? 

After the ban on solo trekking in Nepal, no foreign trekkers are allowed to work without a guide. So, no, you cannot trek Langtang without a guide. 

Is it safe to travel solo in Nepal?

In most cases, traveling alone to Nepal is quite safe; however, one must practice normal self-defense. Keep somebody informed on your travel plan, stick around busy neighborhoods, and avoid traveling through the wilderness alone. Connecting with some travelers or joining a group trek is also safer.

Is Kathmandu safe at night?

Compared to other cities, in Kathmandu, it will probably be relatively safer for you during the night in crowded and touristic areas. Nonetheless, as with any city, one should exercise caution, especially in poorly lit and less populated places. Ensure that you only move around in popular areas and use transportation or taxis when traveling at night.

Is Thamel safe at night?

Walking around Thamel, the major tourist area in Kathmandu, is usually safe after dark. Many hotels, restaurants, and stores populate, making this a lively zone. Nevertheless, exercise the same precautions in any big city center. Avoid going to dark, deserted, or isolated spots. Keep your things safe. Stay alert.

What is the maximum altitude for Langtang Trek?

Langtang trek generally includes reaching the maximum height of  3800 meters. Its elevation is suited for hikers who do not wish to undergo the difficulties accompanied by very high altitudes while gazing at the panorama of the Himalayas. You can decide to climb further, but the main trail reaches its peak of 3,800 meters, allowing you to view the incredible landscapes in moderate conditions.

Dipak Pande

Dipak Pande

Dipak starts to step up from porter, guide, and trekking leader to the company owner. Sometimes he share his experience with others as well as wrote in local travel news. Most of time he spend his time on mountain and his company.