Langtang Gosaikunda Spiritual Trek- 12 Days

Trip Overview
  • Duration 12 Days
  • Difficulty Level Moderate or Grade B (**)
  • DestinationNepal
  • Meals & AccommodationBreakfast, Lunch, Dinner
  • Trip Start & EndKathmandu to Kathmandu
  • Trip TypeTrek
  • Major AttractionLangtang, Gosaikunda
  • Maximum Altitude4310
  • Best TimeSpring and autumn

The 12 Days of Langtang Religious Trek trek package is exemplary for tourers and pilgrims longing to visit one of the spiritual locations, i.e., Gosaikunda Lake near Kathmandu Valley. The trail will lead you through the vibrant villages of the Tamang community, where you will learn about their culture and lifestyle. At the end, the trek takes you to Gosaikunda Lake. 

The Gosaikunda Lake trek reaches an altitude of about 4380 meters (14370 feet) in the Langtang National Park of Nepal. The holy Lake Gosaikunda is for Hindus and people of all religions. It draws many visitors during the Janai Purnima festival, which falls between August and September. It is believed that when the devotees are genuinely submerged in the lake, all sins are washed away from their bodies and souls.

Hindus also firmly believe that Lord Shiva created the sacred lake. To cool off from the 'Samudramanthan,' the poison that he had taken, he used his trident to uncover the land to get water. 'Kunda' is the Nepali word for lake, and many Kundas are found in this region. Of several lakes, Gosaikunda is the main one. The Langtang Gosaikunda 12-day journey is 52 km north of Kathmandu in the Rasuwa district. It allows you to reach Langtang's two famous destinations: Kyanjin Gompa and Gosaikunda Lake. 12 days of trekking in Langtang-Gosaikunda is both spiritual and breathtaking in Nepal. You will pass through lovely towns and big mountains and reach the sacred Gosaikunda lake, which is thought to be a holy Hindu place.

Gosaikunda is an amazingly short and picturesque trek in the Langtang area. The Trisuli River begins its flow from Gosaikunda Lake, which is 4380 meters in height in the Himalayan range. The pilgrims believe that the lake is sacred and revered greatly. Nepalese people travel to Gosaikunda during the Janai Purnima festival to bathe in holy water in search of salvation. Gosaikunda trail will reward you with phenomenal scenes of the Ganesh, Manaslu, and Langtang Himalayan ranges. The trail extends to several lakes, such as Bhairav Kunda, Surya Kunda, Saraswati Kunda, Ragat Kunda, Nau Kunda, and Nag Kunda. Here, you will learn how people from different regions live and walk along ridges and cross valleys while on top of them in the presence of rhododendron, oak, and pine woods. 

This 12-day Langtang Gosaikunda Lake Trek will begin with a drive from Kathmandu to Trisuli River (Trishuli Bazaar and Dhunche ), then finally to Syabrubesi. Walking starts at Syabrubesi, situated on the shore of the Bhote Koshi River. The Tamang community is the inhabitants of that village. 

The journey continues following the river of Langtang until the Lama Hotel is reached. The following day, your journey continues from Lama Hotel towards Yangri Village, the main Tamang community in the area. You will go from Kyangin Gompa to Langtang village by trekking this time. To acclimate your body at a high altitude, you will spend a day at Kyanjin Gompa. There is also an option for you to visit the Yak cheese factory, Tserko Ri and Kyanjin Ri, during the acclimatization process. Therefore, after the trek, you will return to the Lama guesthouse and head to Gosaikunda, which has religious significance for Hinduism and Buddhism. However, you must hike from Lama Hotel towards Thulo Syabru, further than from Thulo Syabru to Shin Gompa, and then towards Gosaikunda Lake in Laurebina direction.

Pilgrimage Trip with Langtang spiritual trek to Gosaikunda Lake is not merely a physical journey but a profound spiritual experience. Pilgrims from all walks of life traverse rugged mountain trails and endure challenging conditions to reach this sacred site, driven by deep devotion and reverence. The pilgrimage to Gosaikunda Lake Trek is imbued with rituals, prayers, and offerings, creating a transformative journey of self-discovery and spiritual renewal. 

With Mountain Rock Treks, journeyers and pilgrims get the best itinerary at the best cost, which is suitable for travellers and pilgrims of all ages. It is a family-friendly package that includes all the facilities like Accommodations, guide services, permit arrangements, etc. Go through the Langtang Soritual Trek Itinerary and Cost details, and contact us for bookings, inquiries, and Itinerary customization. 

Langtang Spiritual Trek Main Highlights

  • Discover the fauna and flora of Langtang National Park.
  • While trekking in Gosaikunda, you will walk along the pristine Rhododendron and pine trees.
  • Picturesque view of the Langtang, Manaslu, Ganesh Himal, Annapurna, and Hiuchuli mountain ranges.
  • Interacting with the Tamang people to discover their lifestyles, customs, and culture.
  • Discover the sacred Gosaikunda and other nearby lakes, such as Bhairab, Saraswati, and Surya Kunda.
  • Hike to the Gosaikunda Lake and stop by the old Sing Monastery.
  • In addition to Kyanjin Ri and Tserko Ri, you will be able to look around a lot of snow-capped peaks.
  • Visit the cheese factory at Kyanjin Gompa and Shin Gompa.
  • Interact with the Locals, i.e., Tamangs, and learn about their way of life, traditions, and culture.

What is The Significance of Gosaikunda Lake?

Long ago, the gods were carrying out "Samudra Manthan" to get the nectar of immortality from the sea, and it generated a very poisonous and frightening thing that even the gods were at risk of death. Thus, they invoked the lord of strength and devastation, Lord Shiva, to rescue them. He gulped the poison down his throat, which turned his throat blue, earning him the name Nilkantha, the Blue Throated. Nevertheless, Shiva wanted to cool his burning tongue with icy water, so he pierced his trident into the Himalayas. By doing so, the clouds appeared, and three deep valleys were formed, filled with water and named Bhairab Kunda, Saraswati Kunda, and Gosaikunda. He drank the water and cooled his throat. Thus, he saved the universe from death by poisonous substances.

The festivals celebrated here carry great significance for the local communities and are necessary for strengthening the bond between the human and divine spirit worlds of the environment, natural deities, and ancestors who are felt to stay at the Trishul dhara.

Full Moon Janai Purnima and Ganga Dashahara Festival Celebration in Gosaikunda Lake 

On the full-moon night of Shravan that falls between July and August, many Hindus, from Nuwakot and even Sundarijal, set off for hours-long journeys to the lake on foot with no rest. They bring the offerings of a sacrifice to see the statue of the God Shiva in the holy pond to repent for their sins, recite the holy mantra, and chant their prayers to preserve the life of the cool water in the lake to satisfy the heat wave of their sinful life and purify them from the poison of the bad deeds that destroyed their life. Janai Purnima occurs in the holy month of Gunla, the month of Newar, and it falls on the Raksha Bandhan festival, marking the day when the devotees wear the blessing bands for security. This time becomes an occasion for revival and purification. This day, men from Brahmin and Chettri castes who wear the sacred thread go in water and change the old one to the new one.

Many pilgrims carry home the jal (blessed water) from the pond. Pilgrims also come to the festival of Ganga Dashahara, the 10th day of the lunar month Jyestha (May/June), a festival honouring the Ganges River Goddess’s descent to the earth. During this time, the sacred lakes and rivers are honoured. A lake is sacred for the Hindus, the Buddhists, and the local dhami-jake (healer-shaman) community. Every year at this festival, the community gathers for various offerings to be made to the local spirits.

We can Customise the Gosaikunda festival trek with a thorough understanding of your requirements so that you can witness the holy Janai Purnima Celebrations at Gosaikunda Lake. In 2024, the Janai Purnima festival Celebration will be held on  19th August (Bhadra 3, Monday). 

Who Is Langtang Spiritual Trek Package Designed For?

The Gosaikunda trek is one of the great pilgrimages for pilgrims who want to make a pilgrimage and finally reach the Gosaikunda Holy Lake. For Hindus, this lake is a sacred ground that offers them happiness forever. It gives an opportunity to perform the rites, participate in the sacred atmosphere, and pay due attention to it. Additionally, the trek can be clubbed to join the Janai Purnima festival, a famous festival held yearly at the Gosaikunda Lake. It is a big festival that many pilgrims from different parts of the country visit. Experience cultural performances through dances, prayers, and celebrations, and join with others following this track. This Langtang Spiritual Trek lets its participants celebrate the Janai Purnima festival at the Gosaikunda Lake. At the same time (or on August 19th in this case), every year, the festival is a remarkable event where pilgrims meet in one common place.

Fixed Departure Date Available for Langtang Spiritual Trek

We, too, provide a fixed departure date for the Langtang Spiritual Trek. The departures cater to the needs of pilgrims and sightseers who want to reach Gosaikunda Lake to celebrate the Janai Purnima festival. Fixed departure dates are available on August 11 so that they can witness the festival in 2024 Janai Purnima festival on the given date, i.e., August 19. 

To travel the Langtang Gosaikunda spiritual journey, you just need to type in the number of travellers you travel with. If you're a solo traveler and you would like to travel with a company, we will schedule more passengers to depart on August 11, 2024. 

Trip Start

Trip End

Janai Purnima festival for 2024

Saturday, August 1, 2024

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

August 19, Monday

Langtang Gosaikunda Spiritual Trek Cost 2024 and 2025

Langtang Spiritual Trek can be booked for $100 per person on a group cost basis. The price for the solo traveller on this trek is around $200 per person in 2024 and 2025. The package includes travel permits, accommodations, transportation, guide services, etc. Similarly, the cost excludes travel insurance, tips, etc. Group travelers, as well as solo tourists, are welcome to join this trip to Gosaikunda Lake. 

Generally, the actual price of the Langtang trek will depend on factors like trip duration, route type, service level, and trip style arrangement. One must have a permit, which is priced according to the tour and the length of stay. A guide's fee is usually calculated by day, whereas lodging and food depend on the accommodation type and food selection. Transportation costs include hiring buses and personal transportation means such as cars to the trek starting point.

Check the group cost for Langtang Spiritual Trek 2024 and 2025 below:

No Of Traveller

Cost Per Person



$ 895

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Langtang Spiritual Trek Itinerary

We provide the Gosainkunda Spiritual Lake with a detailed itinerary at Mountain Rock Treks. This detailed Itinerary is the road map of your trip and includes the major aspects of your trip. It works just like a map that draws a clear day plan. It includes arrangements for the event timetable, transport, and accommodation. It is like a travel companion telling you where to go next and guiding you along the path. Itineraries often include estimated timings for different parts of the day, giving you a sense of the pace and flow of your trip.  Meal plans may also be included so you can use them for financial planning if you need to buy extra meals or drinks. The whole trip lasts about 12 days, starting from Kathmandu and Ending in Kathmandu. Refer below for the detailed Langtang Spiritual Trek Itinerary below: 

Day to Day Info

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Following breakfast, you will be picked up by your Mountain Rock Treks guide from your hotel at an agreed venue. On a thrilling drive from Kathmandu to Syabrubesi, we will have our journey of Langtang Valley with Gosaikunda Trek kick start. Throughout the trip, you will traverse stunning landscapes like rivers, terraced fields, small villages, and the feet of snow-capped mountains.

You may see the Annapurna I, Ganesh Himal, and Manaslu from the climbing trail beside the Trishuli River. This may be the only place where you can see small snow-capped peaks, too. Upon reaching Syabrubesi, you will take a break, stretch, and stroll around the nearby town. Afterwards, you will rest in a teahouse. On the trails, you may encounter simple tea shops that are found almost everywhere in Trekking areas of Nepal, where you will be treated to glorious food, a warm welcome and perhaps the most comfortable beds for each night.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 7-8 hr
  • 1460m

The Langtang Lake Trek with Gosaikunda Lake starts after breakfast in Syabrubesi. You will begin your trek alongside the Bhote Koshi River, running all the way from Tibet. Along the path, you will find Guru Rinpoche Gomba, the sacred spot where pilgrims offer prayers in line with their private journey.

Moreover, from the village, go on the stoned road and as the road moves along the Langtang Khola. Last, end your trail on a suspension bridge and climb steeply to Bamboo. Right in the canyon area, you can find huts that are located in proximity to the river. Hikers get the experience of walking through oak, maple, birch, rhododendron, blue pine, and tall spruce forests that occupy the trail from now on.

Many mammals, such as langurs, red pandas , yellow-throated martens, and Himalayan black bears, will also enter your sight. Keep following your gradual ascends until you get to the Lama Hotel. You can find here, for example, a lot of good hotels in that small town near the river. It is a favourite spot for trekkers because the surrounding area is very soothing.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 6 hr
  • 2460m

The third day of your journey will start with the guide taking you to the other landmark in the area, Langtang Village. You spend your morning having a good breakfast, getting dressed for your walk, and taking time. Afterwards, head to a slight incline that gets steeper on your way up. The walk along the Langtang Khola is adorned with green oak, grand maple, and vibrant rhododendrons as we go along the path. 

There are also some tall hemlocks among them. This trip will not be completed until you notice the White Mountains, for instance, the Mt. Langtang route. Continuing the trip, you will arrive at Meadow Ghodatabela and the wooden bridge

When arriving at the yak pasture of Tamang Hamlet, you will be walking more on a helipad and then up through rhododendron trees. Such houses in the magical village are Tibetan-style with smooth roofs and windows and beautiful wood carvings. The never-ending masonry walls are everywhere, even in the farms where the turnips, potatoes, and barley are grown.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 6 to 7 hr
  • 3450m

After spending a fantastic time at the lodge in Langtang Village, you will come across another checkpoint known as the Kyanjin Gompa. After breakfast at Langtang village, you will begin your trek. It will take a 2-hour’ hike from the hamlet of Langtang to reach Kyanjin Gompa. First, we will stroll around the Mani wall and then go to the hill with a huge chorten on the top. Next, we take a short hike upwards until we reach Mundu, where beautiful prayer flags and bridges are seen. We will cross the bridge. 

Next, we will pass several moraines and small streams on wooden bridges. You will arrive at Kyanjin Gompa, surrounded by the impressive glaciers from Kimshug and Langtang Lirung Peaks. The beautiful, well-known monastery is an attraction you can see at Kyanjin Gompa. While you walk around the village, you will certainly see the mountain views of Dorje Lhakpa, Langshisha Ri, Ganja La, and Tsergo Ri, among others.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 7 to 8 hr
  • 3870m

On the sixth day of the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek, you will witness the natural forests around Kyanjin Gompa fascinatingly. Before the actual hiking, you could first visit Kyanjin Gompa (the most common place to go) to attend the Morning Prayer. 

Afterwards, move on to Langtang Valley and Gosaikunda Lake Trek's highest point, Tserko RI (4984 m), in the morning. The ascent to this lookout rewards you with the spectacular views of the snow-covered mountains. The hills are where you get an overall view of the Langtang ranges and other peaks such as Kinshung, Yansa Tsenji, and others as well. 

For a mild hike, you can do a leisure hike to Kyanjin. The hike to Kyanjin, RI, will be shorter and less steep, but this does not necessarily mean that it will be easier. Kyanjin RI's elevation is 4773m high. On your way to the top of the mountain, you will see spectacular views such as snow-capped mountains, open valleys, and frozen lakes. Rather than the scenery that can be seen from Tsergo RI, the vista from Kyanjin RI is similar in beauty. Now, tonight, you will come to the same guesthouse where you had stayed at Kyanjin Gompa for the first time.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 4 to 6 hr
  • 5033 m

The time we spent at Kyanjin Gompa is ending, and it is sad to leave behind all the nice Buddhist fellows we have made friends with. Today's hike to Langtang Valley with Gosaikunda will probably be longer than the previous hikes. We start with breakfast, seeing the peaks covered with snow. The descent journey will also take the same route along the Langtang River.

You must come through some old yak-herding villages and big alpine meadows before you reach Langtang village. Now, make a right turn towards the Ghodatabela route. After that, you go down to the Lama Hotel. As you reach the Lama Hotel, you will relax and enjoy the view of pines and rhododendrons swaying in the wind.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 8 hr
  • 2460m

After having a tasty breakfast, put your bags together and set off to Lama Hotel to continue moving to Thulo Syabrubesi on the Langtang with Gosaikunda Lake Trek. Stepping past the small waterfall, you subsequently get to the Langtang River. In the woods, among these trees, you will find a variety of birch, oak, pine, and bamboo forests inhabited by wild boars and monkeys.

The Ganesh Himal will also be visible with the pathway from here, and the views will be awesome. Today, our destination is Thulo Syabru, about a couple of hours after trekking and crossing a suspension bridge. The village of Thulo Syabru, located in the Langtang region, is a Tamang village of great intrinsic value. Here you can see the whole town in a few hours since it is small and few people live there.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 6 to 7 hr
  • 2250m

Today, our Langtang and Gosaikunda Lake Trek starts from Thulo Syabru and will take us through Shin Gompa, where we will have views of different mountain ranges. After the wonderful breakfast, you might have to walk up a steep path that will take you to a stunning stupa, which will also offer you a view of Thurman and Nagthali in the distance. When you finally reach Forpang Danda, it’s time to have your lunch. The path finally goes through the thickets after a short pause to rest.

The paths look even lovelier as the flowers begin to bloom. You reach Shin Gompa when you go up some steps through a forest. Here, you can witness the unique beauty of the mountains, with Langtang, Ganesh, and Annapurna as some of them. This is where one can enjoy the best views of the mountains and surroundings. 

From Shin Gmpa, you will have an uphill climb as you approach Lauri Bina in Cholangpati. This is a steeper slope than the one in the morning; you will have to make a bigger effort. Eventually, you reach Laurebinayak. 

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 8-9 hr
  • 3330m

On the 9th day, you will hike from the Laurabina to Gosaikunda, a holy lake 13,900 feet above sea level. The initial part of the trip is a one-hour upward climb, but then it becomes more of a gradual slope to the actual destination. Gosaikunda is a religious destination where Janai Purnima, a religious festival, is held in August. And here you can have lunch or walk around the shoreline, meditate around the lake, do pujas etcs. 

If you visit the lake on Janai Purnima, the liveliness of festivities combined with this holy place's solemn rituals will attract your attention to the shore. However, even if you don't, you will still get an idea of why such a place is so well known as an awesome place. After exploring Gosainkunda Lake, return to your tea house accommodation. 

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 6-7 hr
  • 3330m

After an overnight stay at the Gosainkunda Lake, you will start your desired journey to reach Singh Gompa soon after breakfast. The trek begins with a steep descent to Laribina, and then, you will pass through numerous waterfalls and again make a slight descent to reach Singh Gompa, also called Chandanbari.

This famous dairy is often favoured in the area, which is renowned for its rich curd made of fresh cow milk and other products. Moreover, do not forget to be amazed at the wide scenery of the Himalayan mountains. Overnight will be at one of the tea houses around the Sing Gompa.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 6 to 7 hr
  • 3,580 m

The Trekking part of Spiritual Langtang Lake has ended today with the trek from Chandanbari to Dhunche. After breakfast, you leave the village, follow the deserted paths, and finally arrive at the Langtang River. Next, you get into the green forests made of oaks and rhododendrons.  Looking at the trees, you can see a hill, walk to it, and sit down for a lunch break. You again follow the trail, and your next stop is Dhunche, where you make a steep descent. This is your last night in Langtang, so enjoy your time to the fullest.

  • Tea Houses
  • Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner
  • 8 Hr
  • 2030 m

During the last part of your journey, you will have a breathtaking drive along the hilly trails to Kathmandu. After the night you had in Dhunche, you wake up to breakfast at the teahouse. Farewell to the mountains as you get into the car seat and return to the city.

It is an 8-hour-long journey that will show you the views, including the beautiful Trishuli River cutting through the jungles, the lush meadows - the habitat of various life forms, and the real villages, examples of Nepali heritage. The view would last between 6 and 7 hours, allowing for maximum enjoyment of the moment as it ends. Lastly, you will get to Kathmandu, which is the place where the phenomenal Gosaikunda Himalayan Trek concludes.

  • Hotels
  • Breakfast-Lunch
  • 9 Hr
  • 1400m

We are pleased to offer the flexibility of tailoring your journey to your desired duration and places, whether extended or shortened, as our proficient team of locals-cum-guides, porters, and accompanying staff have an in-depth understanding of every location traveled.

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Essential Info

When is the Best Time for Langtang Spiritual Trek? 

Normally, the best times to start this trek are spring (March to May) and fall (September to November). 

Spring (March to May)

Spring is also the time when hikers are welcome in a perfect climate, which can vary between 18°C and 30°C (64.4°F and 86°F). Thus, one can still enjoy hiking without the sizzling heat of summer days. The floral show of the Langtang Region is exceptionally colourful in the spring. The hillsides are filled with rhododendrons, the national flower of Nepal, which come in all sorts of vibrant colours and painted strokes to create an atmosphere that is nothing short of magic. Despite that, it is possible to experience snowfall in the highlands, but they are quite rare events, so still be prepared.

Autumn (September to November)

Autumn is unquestionably the best season for hiking in Langtang. The advantages will be the ever-clear sky and unobstructed views of the entire mountain range. Autumn somewhat mirrors spring when you stroll during the day and are not all covered with sweat afterwards. Although the number of hikers is greater in fall than in spring, it is significantly less crowded than in summer. Such scenery adds to a more peaceful hiking experience.

Janai Purnima Festival Time

If you prefer a spiritual trip, come here during the Janai Purnima festival. The Hindu and Buddhist communities celebrate the festival on full moon night in August, which is meaningful for them. In the year 2024, on August 19, Janai Purnima will be celebrated.

How Difficult is The Langtang Gosainkunda Spiritual Lake Trek? 

The Langtang Gosainkunda trek is rated as moderate to tough. This means the trekker should be physically fit but not an extreme hiker. Although the distance, in general, may not be that much for you to cover, you will have to come up with different circumstances that will require a lot of preparation. The hike passes over the rolling land with steep slopes that go up and down as it enters Gosainkunda Lake, which is over 4,600 metres (15,000ft) above sea level. 

To prevent AMS (acute mountain sickness), having a good cardiovascular system and acclimatising gradually to this altitude is necessary.  Another problem is the remote trekking trail issue. Even if teahouses provide shelter and food along the way, they will not be luxurious enough to provide all the amenities. 

Besides, many unexpected problems may arise, like rain or snow at high altitudes. However, proper training before the hike, using the correct gear, and a gradual progression in elevation can become an achievable goal for most physically fit people. The result compensates for everything—the sight of mountains and lakes regains you peace, and the spirituality of Gosainkunda makes the journey as fun as it is rewarding.

Accommodations on Langtang Spiritual Trek

This Langtang Gosainkunda trek is a tea house trek, which means you will lodge in simple and warm guesthouses on the way. There, families mostly own teahouses and are built with local stone and wood. This lets them enjoy a nice and authentic stay. Generally, the accommodation is dormitory style whereby two to three trekkers share a bunk bed. Despite its limited privacy, it is a wonderful setting for making new friends.

Furthermore, there are no private showers or bathtubs provided in the lobby. Showers may be offered for additional charges, but don't expect to find hot water at very high altitudes. Get ready to make do with hard beds and practically nothing called furniture. The idea of the place is to provide you with a relaxing area after you have hiked all day long. A teahouse usually has a central dining hall with a fireplace; thus, it provides an ideal and free-spirited space for trekkers to meet and share stories. Even though these amenities are basic, they offer everything you require after a hike.  A peaceful atmosphere and a chance to relax in the local tea houses are special advantages of the Langtang Gosainkunda trip.

Meals On Langtang Spiritual Trek

The foods and drinks you will find at the tea houses along the Langtang Valley trek combine the most sustaining, tastiest, and local flavor. Unlike five-star hotels, they pay more attention to providing the basic needs of trekkers and offer a comfy atmosphere. One of the major benefits of teahouse meals is their freshness. Since most tea houses are in the countryside, their menus contain just local products. Therefore, you see a lot of seasonal vegetables in the dishes, bread baked daily, and even locally made yak cheese at times. Some meat options might be a challenge at higher altitudes due to logistics. On the other hand, there are plenty of good vegetarian meals to energise you for the trails.

The Langtang tea house menus were changed to suit the needs of the hikers. Breakfast traditionally includes oats, oatmeal, fried eggs, bread, pancakes, etc. These foods are carbs, like a good breakfast to begin your day. The main luncheon dinner dish is generally Dal Bhat. The lentil soup serves as the soup, and different curries made from seasonal vegetables are on the sides of the steamed rice. They make a great meal, especially on the trek. 

The tea houses serve noodle soups, pastas, and momos (steamed dumplings) for those seeking something different. Considering the region's remoteness and religious views here, you will observe that if you go to the higher parts of the village, the choices of meat, mostly fresh meat, will be very limited. However, vegetarians should not be upset, as they will find themselves just as well off as their non-veg trekking companions. The yak cheese is sometimes offered as a possible source of protein, but it is not readily accessible.

Drinks Options

There is no doubt that tea is the king of the drinks along the Langtang trek. There will be black, ginger, and occasionally milk tea. Coffee is also served, but the choice of types is not so rich. Bottled water is another option for hydration, but its plastic disposal has to be done properly. In higher elevations, alcohol is usually banned as it dehydrates, but if there are beers or local brew at the teahouses, that might be an option.

Guide and Porter For Langtang Valley Spiritual Trek

Langtang Trek is normally done with a guide and porters. The moderate to hard trek involves some high altitude and tough routes in a remote area. You should choose to go with them if you are new to trekking. We at Mountain Rock Treks provide Langtang Trek with guides and porters included in their all-inclusive package. One of the best benefits of going with a guide is that the guide knows the area where you are going. They will tell us about the area's interesting facts, statistics, and stories. On top of this, they can speak to the locals, which helps you find good hostels and food immediately and without inconvenience. Ensure the guide speaks both the local language and English (if it's not your native language). On the other hand, the porters carry the items that you do not require on the trek. They save you time and effort. Keep your load no more than 15 kilograms of weight.

Altitude Sickness Considerations For Langtang Spiritual Trek: How To Avoid Getting Sick?

Altitude sickness is more common in Langtang trekking than in Annapurna base camp trekking. This is because Tserko Ri, the highest part of the trail, is 4,984m/16,351ft above sea level. Unfortunately, the first days of the hike will involve an abrupt change in elevation of more than 1000m each day. 

The body struggles to adapt to the lack of oxygen as the air becomes thin through the elevation process. Accompanying this, you may be a victim of High Altitude Sickness or Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS), the first and the most widespread type of altitude sickness.

Right after passing the height of 3,000m/9,842ft, you probably would feel slight symptoms like a headache, insomnia, fatigue, and discomfort. Likewise, some may have more severe symptoms, such as loss of appetite, dizziness, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. So, you need to be careful and pay attention to those symptoms. Regular exercising, proper diet, acclimatisation day, and taking a break will work to reduce the risk of AMS. Moreover, you can take Diamox tablets with the doctor's permission to mitigate the risk. If you are having these problems now, just contact the guide, porter, or tea house owner to seek help.

Travel Insurance Requirements for Langtang Spiritual Trek

Travel insurance is necessary for treks in high-risk areas or those travelling worldwide. The Langtang trail in Nepal's Mountain region is far away, and there is no sign of a vehicle. Also, a health post is nowhere to be found. A trekker moves up more than 4,500m/ 14,763ft, which may cause AMS (Acute Mountain Sickness). Therefore, the trekkers are vulnerable to AMS. Travellers need to get travel insurance for their trek. Nevertheless, rescue by helicopter could be very expensive as well. Select an insurance company and a plan that covers high-altitude trekking up to 5000m/16,404ft. This is achieved by mentioning your region of travel, your day-to-day itinerary, and the highest altitude for the trek. 

What Permits Are Required for Langtang Spiritual Trek?

You must have a TIMS (Trekkers Information Management System) card and a National park access permit. Nevertheless, you can purchase these permits before entering the park. With us, all the trekking permits will be arranged by our team for the Langtang Spiritual trek. This is just a normal permit, not a restricted one, so acquiring it will not take much time. 

Each permit is valid only once. These permits are a must-have throughout the hiking. These TIMS cards can be purchased at the TAAN office in Kathmandu or the Nepal Tourism Board office in the same city. 

TIMS card Cost

  • 2000 rs per traveller 

Park Permit for SAARC Countries

  • National Park Entrance Fee: Rs 600/-
  • TIMS Card Fee: 20USD for solo travellers and 10USD for group trekkers

Park Permit for Other Countries

  • National Park Entrance Fee: Rs 3000 (26USD)
  • TIMS Card Fee: 20USD for solo traveller and 10USD for group trekkers

Additional Information On Langtang Spiritual Trek

Toilets and Showers

In some houses, toilets are equipped in-house; in others, all the trekkers share the bathrooms. These squats are very tiny if either Asian type or European type is there. When hiking, they should not dispose of their used toilet tissues or menstrual pads in the sinks; instead, they should put them in the dustbin. Besides that, the hikers are instructed to take with them their paper, soap, and towel. 

Many of those tea houses have hot shower facilities, but if they don't, they will provide hot water, for which you will be charged. Each bucket costs around 2 USD, and one bucket of hot water is enough for one person. The lower zones will get showers built in. However, getting a hot shower at higher elevations is much more difficult than getting a hot shower at sea level.

Electricity Facility

While there is electricity within this trek, the power line may be cut off occasionally. The tea houses have lights of less power voltage. Although electric power is normally around, some tea houses charge USD 2 to USD 5 for your phone and battery charging. If possible, you may also carry a power bank or solar charger.

Internet Facility

Internet services are treated as a luxury for people trekking in remote areas. It is available in Kathmandu and up until Syabrubesi. The higher you go, the more difficult it is to find; the charges may apply. The charges can go up to USD 2 to $1.5 per hour extra. Nevertheless, you should get used to the fact that there will be times when there is no Wi-Fi or signal. However, you may buy a local GSM-operated SIM card either from Kathmandu or Pokhara and use GPRS to purchase mobile data, which could sometimes be cheaper.

What To Pack For Your Langtang Gosainkunda Spiritual Lake Trek?

As the Langtang Spiritual trek 12-day trek is considered a moderate trekking route in the Langtang Region, remember that you should not load heavy stuff if you are hiking without porter service. Here are some of the essential things to have. 

  • Underwear and at least 4 pairs of socks are also required.
  • A pair of base layers, hiking trousers, shorts, second layer, and outermost layer.
  • Hands, head, neck, and mount cover. So that you avoid blowing the wind.
  • You should bring one pair of hiking shoes, sunglasses, sandals, a backpack for trekking, and your regular medicine if you take any.
  • You will need a sleeping bag, toilet tissue, towel, toothpaste, toothbrush, suncream, and hand sanitiser, which you often use.
  • Also, if you want clean water, the best options are a water bottle and a water purifier.
  • Light polyester trekking shirts.
  • Other essential items should include a waterproof shell jacket and raincoat. Unexpected rains might sometimes accompany a trekking season.


  • Q1. What is the maximum altitude we reach on the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek?

    The highest point of this trek is Gosaikunda Lake, which sits at an altitude of 4,380 metres. Aim to acclimatise well and overcome the altitude problem.

  • Don't bring tap water with you when trekking to Langtang Gosaikunda. Microplastics, bacteria, and other contaminants are often present. Take purified bottled water only or use water purification tablets to purify stream water.

  • Many hotels in Kathmandu offer luggage storage facilities for a fee. You can leave your non-essential items there while you are on the trek.

  • The journey to the Langtang/Gosaikunda route does not boast numerous amenities like electricity and Wi-Fi services. Certain teahouses may offer their facilities, including charging your devices through solar energy, but this comes at a small cost. 

  • Furthermore, Nepal is one of the safest places for tourists. This is a very true statement for solo women travellers. However, they should also take precautions, especially when travelling in deserted areas. IfIf you are a single female traveller, it is advisable to consider going for a group hike or adventure with a guide if you are attacked.

  • Absolutely. The majority of the trekking service providers in Kathmandu have the Langtang Gosaikunda Trek package as one of their guided trekking offers. Generally, the service packages consist of experienced local guides and porters who carry your baggage, meals, and accommodation in simple teahouses.

  • The ATM will only be at the Langtang Gosaikunda trek’s start point. Keeping the right amount of Nepali rupees in cash during the whole trip to be used to pay for accommodation, meals, and any other expenses is better.

  • Yes, we do need a guide for the Langtang Gosainkunda trekking. A guide, with their experience, is a tremendous help. They might accompany you to trails, give information about the cultural and historical background of the area, and safeguard your safety.

  • Furthermore, you will need durable hiking boots, apparel that dries quickly and has layers for different temperatures, a raincoat, a cap, sunglasses, sunscreen, and a headlamp. The trekking poles are the third resource you should have with you.

  • The cost of the Langtang Gosaikunda trek varies widely and is determined by different factors, e.g., trek duration, group size, selected accommodation, and the package's inclusions. Typically, a 12-day guided trip costs $1,500 to USD 2,500 per person.

Client Reviews

  • Finding Balance in the Himalayas

    We did a fantastic spiritual trek to the Langtang Gosainkunda a year back with Mountain Rock Treks for Janai Purnima. It was not just a hike, but the tranquillity and sanctity of Gosaikunda Lake made the walk even more meaningful. The bathing of pilgrims in the sacred water and their puja performances really impressed me. Mountain Rock Treks managed everything well, including comfortable lodges, meal guide services, etc.  Their experienced guides not only ensured our safety but also shared their knowledge about the rituals and significance of the Janai Purnima festival. We were able to participate in the celebrations alongside local pilgrims, creating a truly enriching experience that transcended the physical trek.

    Sakura TanakaMaldivesMay 23, 2024
  • My Langtang Gosainkunda Trek

    The Langtang Gosainkunda trek with Mountain Rock Treks had meant a lot more; it was not just a hike but a real journey to a spiritual awakening. On a daily basis, the trek leader took us to the beautiful valleys and rhododendron forests of the Himalayas until we reached the holy Gosaikunda Lake. The pilgrims’ immersion into the cold waters and the worship brings about great stillness to me. Mountain Rocks Treks, our choice agency, offered us this wonderful accommodation in peaceful guesthouses, which was helpful for the relaxing calmness under the mighty Himalayas. This was not a conventional hike just to hit the destination. It was about the spiritual enlightenment that arrived on the way.  

    Mohamed DialloIndiaApril 20, 2024
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